Course Introduction
The Certificate of First Aid at Work is currently renewed by attending a 2 Day Refresher Course in First Aid at Work.
The Certificate is valid for a further period of 3 years. The HSE (the Regulator) & HSEA (our approval body) will allow a 28 day extension for those candidates whose certificates have expired but can undertake a 2 Day Refresher Course before the 28 day extension expires. The expiry date of the certificate however will be the same as their original date of expiry – they therefore do not gain an additional 28 days.
CPR / Oxygen / Defibrillator training was delivered excellently, engaging and functional, ensuring we understood – Sheffield 2022
Additional Information
With the First Aid at Work Qualification, First Aiders are entitled to act within the remit of the First Aid at Work syllabus, as First Aiders in the workplace setting. Their qualification is approved by Health & Safety Education Approvals (HSEA) under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
The course is normally runs over 2 consecutive days but the course syllabus is flexible and can be split over any number of hours, days, evenings, weekends in order to complete the syllabus. The main consideration to remember is that the course consists of 12hours including assessments and once the course has started irrespective of the chosen format of attendance, candidates have up to a maximum of 6 weeks to complete the course.
The minimum teaching time is 2hrs.
If thinking of running this course on your own site for your employees, our minimum charge is based on 6 candidates attending.
The fees are inclusive of the full colour First Aid Handbook, certification, assessments and reminder service.
Cost Per Person – £150.00
In House (Min Charge) Cost – Minimum charge based on 4 candidates attending
Out of House Cost – £150.00
The price also includes the cost of the course Handbook
During the course you will find yourself in a friendly environment where rather than be spoken at you will be involved in a discussion-style environment that lends itself just as much to what the Instructor can tell you as to what knowledge and life experiences you bring to the course as well.
With 0ver 30 Years of experience – you’re in the safest of hands.
PFE have done away with the starched regimented approach to First Aid Instruction and instead provide a happy meaningful environment where “shared” learning and experiences can come together to underpin the factual knowledge required to become a First Aider.
Each tutor and assessor is individually assessed and evaluated in terms of their delivery by you the candidate, so while we are running courses all over the UK you will be our eyes and ears into assisting us with our quality control delivery.